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主要技术指标 Key performance specifications: Insertion Loss < 1.5dB Guaranteed lifetime > 10 Mio. cycles PDL < 0.05dB for single-mode option Highest repeatablity specified over 10.000 random switch cycles: 0.02dB 宣传资料 2007-06-18 | PDF 603 KB | 订购拷贝件 描述 The plug-in module for Agilent’’s Lightwave Solution Platform 8163B, 8164B, 8166B is ideal for flexible system configuration in applications such as transceiver/receiver test with small foot-print or multiple passive component test with complex cascade. The Agilent modular design of the optical switch features a 2x2 matrix in both SMF and MMF with low insertion loss and highly repeatable switch routing in <10 ms switching time. Routing of various optical sources such as laser in various wavelenght range and routing of various optical receiver such as power sensor, oscilloscope, BERT. Features: Highest repeatablity specified over 10.000 random switch cycles: 0.02dB Guaranteed lifetime > 10 Mio. cycles Benefits: Using one test setup for testing DUTs in all transmission bands. Minimize test uncertainties, maximize power budget enables higher production yield an highly competitive product specifications Minimize test times - maximize production throughput. Minimal influence on transmitted signal. 仪器: 我们的大多数设备在装运之前均经过严格的质量检测与校验。也可申请计量证书
“供应81594B /2x2 Optical Switch Module”信息由发布人自行提供,其真实性、合法性由发布人负责。交易汇款需谨慎,请注意调查核实。